Employment Support


Services that support individuals who are seeking meaningful employment or who want to maintain their current job.

  • Our team members are available to assist individuals in finding and maintaining employment. Services include (but are not limited to):
    • Resume building
    • Interviewing skills
    • Connection with prospective employers
    • Assisting with supporting current employment (Performance Reviews, Job coaching, Mediation, etc.)
  • Our team will meet with you to discuss your employment goals and to develop a plan to include how to access education and skills needed to support your goal. 
  • Work preparation training might include topics such as:
    • How to be your own best self advocate
    • How work earnings affect public benefits such as SSI, SSD, and Medicaid
    • How to develop a new budget to include changes in income and expense priorities
    • How to read your paystub and understand your work related fringe benefits

Contact Us:

For further information, please contact Michele Eckert,  Director of Education, Training and Employment Services. 

(585) 325-3145, x 628